Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wedsnday, September 17th - Alphabet soup.

Adam is almost there.

But first Gavin has to break the huddle

Chris is making his reads on the line

“Down, set hut!”

End to end the line makes a surge.

Finding the whole, Adam gets smacked by the inside linebacker.

Gavin calls the play and gets everyone on the line.


Inside the whole, Chris leads Adam.

Jetting across the field they go.

Kevin hustles down with them and makes a beautiful crack block.

Linemen are still on their blocks.

“Making it all the way,” Adam thinks in his head.

Not anymore because the safety comes and pushes him out of bounds.

On the side line, coach tries to send in the next play.

People in the crowd are screaming and yelling.

“Quitting is not in my dictionary!” yells coach.

Reggie comes over and gets put in at a wide out.

Steve the new quarter back tries to get the play

Trick play is going on.

Under Chris is the football.

Virtually the game is in Adams hands now.

Wine is Reggie's clear route.

Xanthic color on Adams face from the pressure.

Young Adam dives in the end zone.


  1. Good blog I know you play football and its nice to see how you wrote everything about the game in alphabetical order to when they where on the line of scrimmage to when the payer dived in the end zone.

  2. Elijah,
    I love football. My dad was a coach and then an NFL scout while I was growing up, so I feel like I know football pretty well. This was very well done. I really liked it. You did a really nice job using the letters in the right order and yet still making your story flow. Good job.
