Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th - Historical Accuracy

The Stock Market crashed four Octobers ago, and there are still millions of Americans unemployed including my self. During this time our president, Herbert Hoover, told us to just wait it out. How is the man in charge of this country going to tell all the people that lives are at risk to just wait. Many people blamed him. Many people also blamed the uneven distribution of money to keep the wealthy people wealthy, and the poor people poor. People also tried to blame the farmers for not producing enough crops. But it wasn't their fault that aliens stole all the water from our country, forcing the farmers to grow dust. Yes I said aliens. They want to take over our earth. What is the best way to do that? Kill the human race. Aliens came and dried out all the water from people, lakes, and even the ground. forcing Farmers to be unable to grow their presses vegetables. The Stock Market Crash, that was all them too. They just wiped everything out when no one could pay attention. Banks closed, people with no money, no insurance, that is what they want.
It will not happen though, because we elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt. With the new deal being put in place, Many people are being employed now. In three weeks even I will. I get to help construct the Empire State building. Its going to be the tallest building ever made yet. I'm kind of scared to go work up there because the roomer is that the aliens came back. Just the other day they saw a thing called a UFO above the construction site.
We just finished the Empire state building. That roomer about the UFO is real too. Just last week I was driving around in my brand new 1932 Bugatti and I saw it with my very own eyes. it was right there. I could have never believed it, but I did. I was so amazed I almost wrecked my new car.

1932 Bugatti

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you put in the pictures that went along with the post. I also liked how you put the links in for more information.
