Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25th - Bad Mistake

Oh man, my worst mistake was definitely my worst one. It scared my face to this day, and cost a pocket full of money to fix. I had lived in New York at the time. It was during the winter, I don't remember what month though. Anyways I had woke up two hours late for school, but then I noticed that my mom wasn't dressed to go to work either. She told me that it was snowing so bad that they canceled school. I was really excited. Like more excited then a bunch of ten year olds on Christmas Eve. It was the first time in my life that they canceled school because of snow. I was surprised when I heard this because I had went to school when there was two feet of snow on the ground before. My mom made me and my brother some breakfast, and it tasted even better being able to take my time to eat since there was no school. After we ate my mom told us to take showers and to get dressed because we were going to go somewhere. So we took our shower and put on our pants that looked like over-all's but fluffy and then our jackets and hats. We were on the road for about two minutes before we stopped at the store. My brother and I waited in the car while my mom went in to the store. She came out with two sleds. My day had just gotten three times better because I had been begging my mom to go sledding and we finally went. We went to Fox Hill to sled on. There must have been at least 30 people there trying to all come down the hill at once. We were sledding for about 30 minutes  before me and my brother decided to go on a part of the hill where no one else was on. This was my worst mistake. My brother went down the hill first. He jumped out of the sled at the last second before he ran into a shed. After him was my tern. I went down the hill face first. I felt like a bullet being fired out of a gun. I  had blazing speed, but then my hat slipped down over my eyes. When I tried to pull it back up, Smack. I went face first into that brick shed. Keep in mind that I was only about 8-9 years old when this happened. I stood up and took off running. Blood gushing out of my mouth not really knowing what exactly happened. I reached my mom and we rushed to the hospital. I noticed that two of my teeth were gone. Then I tried to close my mouth but there was something blocking me from doing so. Well it was my tooth. Yes, I said my tooth. One of my front teeth had knocked out, split in half, then was jammed in the roof of my mouth. The hospital didn't know what to do with me really. They decided to send me to a hospital in Vermont, witch was only about one hour away, where another doctor that they contacted knew what to do. The doctor had to cut off the piece of my tooth that was dangling from the other half first. Then he had to almost drag the other half back to its original spot. The doctor asked me where my other tooth was. It was long gone. Probably stuck at the bottom of the hill. The doctor let us go and we finally was able to go home. It was about 12:30. I was probably concussed so I couldn't sleep. My mom was just trying to have this day be over with. Then a police officer pulled us over. We were going about 15 MPH faster then the speed limit. My mom explained to him our day. I mumbled out hi officer because I couldn't feel half my face because it was numb, and my mouth was obviously hurting. He felt bad for us and just let us go. We finally made it home at about 1:30 - 2:00. I went up to my room, and riskily fell asleep.

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