Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11 - Music critic

There were a few good things about this song, but there was also some things that were not so good. On the good side, this song has a nice steady beat that sores through the song along with a nice melody. The instrumentals are pretty good as well. On the down side of this song, you cant hear the vocalist that much. His voice is soft and he kind of blends his words together. Making it so you cant hear him as well. The hook is also pretty good though. It takes a few times of hearing to understand what he says. Whoever wrote the song probably thought a bout a time when he was kid. Another possibility is that he saw might have saw some kids running around.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you explained what they could have done better in the song, but you never told us what the song was.
