Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

Jessie is a fairy that is trying to make her way up to be head fairy. the only way that she can be head fairy is go through the task of all fairies first. The only one that she has left is the tooth fairy. She meets up with John, the stalk keeper, to get supplies that she will need. The first thing she gets is sleeping sand. When the kids are laying down, and they are not asleep, she will just have to sneak up the side of them and sprinkle a little bit in the corner of their eyes. The second thing she gets is a camouflage suit. when she puts this suit on, she will blend in with her surroundings, and practically become translucent. The third thing she gets are her wings. Tooth fairies have special wings that make them move faster then cheetahs, but as quite as someone stepping on a marshmallow. After Jessie gets her supplies, she is of on her first call. She flies to west green street to pic up two teeth from a 5 year old girl named Lucy. Jessie stands outside of her house wondering how she will get into the house. She decides to squeeze through the key whole. When she tumbles to the floor, there is a monster awaiting her. Jessie as never seen such a thing. Is stands on all fours with a long tail swinging back and forth . The mouth is open with a long tong with slob dripping off of it like a water faucet that wont turn completely off. The monster chargers at her snapping its mouth towards her. She dodges the beast and flies up to its eyes and gets her sleeping sand, she accidently drops the whole bag of sand in the monsters eyes. The thing finally drops, but Jessie has no more sand for the next two weeks. She finds her way to the girls room and before she enters she slips on her suit. Jessie is like a spider when she swaps a dollar for the two teeth. On her way out the suit wears off and the little girl spots her. She flies away and goes strait to Fairyville wondering why no one told her about the andhe suit wearing out. When she gets back she realizes that all the fairies hated her and didn't want her to become head fairy, and they set her up.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how Jessie, the fairy, had to go through occupations to become the head fairy. It made me think about how someone would usually become a senator before they tried to run for Pesident. One thing though; you could have done a better job of describing Jessie's appearance. Also the first few lines were ehh choppy... but other than that I really enjoyed this story.
