Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5 - Aliens in Egypt

Why wont they just leave us alone. A few years back these ugly tings came in here and built these buildings that are pointing to the sky for some reason. We didn't know why they did it, so we just decided to put our preserved pharos in them so they can rest peacefully. Now there back and are doing some weird thing with our almighty pharos. They said these words that I could not understand, and then the next thing I know I saw our old ruler king Aha waling out of his sand dune towards the creatures. King Aha's skin looked like the inside of a fish that was left out in the light for a long time. His eyes were sealed shut, but he was still finding his way to the monsters that lied in front of me. After kind Aha was standing next to them, more and more of our past kings were coming before them. king Djoser, Kahfra, Mankauru, all of our past leaders started to arise. The ones that came from the sand tombs looked just like King Aha. While the ones that were resting n the pyramids, took off all of their linen. It was difficult to tell who was who because all you could see was the bone structure. The creatures lead our kings to the top of the Great Pyramids of Giza. They were all lined up. One by one making their way up to the top. A long falsh of light came down from the heavens. The light was beautiful. It had a tint of blue with smaller lights shooting off of it. Our Kings were finally going to go rest with our Gods. One after the other shooting to the sky. Never to be seen again.

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