Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30th - I'm Weirded Out

As soon as I arrived I knew that something was out of place. The house smelled like applesauce and road kill. I walked up to my room with the a feeling of someone's eyes piercing through the back of my head. I sat down on my bed, waiting for something to come out. Nothing did. I put my bags on the ground, and waited. I was just texting my mom, and she said that she was going to be back before I came home from the store. So where is she? I walked around the house until heard something rattle in the kitchen. When I was there, the pans were on the floor. The weird thing was is that there was no one around except me. I put the pans back in the shelf. I decided to turn the TV on to watch some Thursday night football. Calvin Johnson was just about to score, but then the TV turned off. I turned it back on. Then it turned off again. I rotated my body 180 degrees to see my mom hiding behind the corner with a universal remote. We both laughed, until we heard the plans rattle in the kitchen again.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25th - Bad Mistake

Oh man, my worst mistake was definitely my worst one. It scared my face to this day, and cost a pocket full of money to fix. I had lived in New York at the time. It was during the winter, I don't remember what month though. Anyways I had woke up two hours late for school, but then I noticed that my mom wasn't dressed to go to work either. She told me that it was snowing so bad that they canceled school. I was really excited. Like more excited then a bunch of ten year olds on Christmas Eve. It was the first time in my life that they canceled school because of snow. I was surprised when I heard this because I had went to school when there was two feet of snow on the ground before. My mom made me and my brother some breakfast, and it tasted even better being able to take my time to eat since there was no school. After we ate my mom told us to take showers and to get dressed because we were going to go somewhere. So we took our shower and put on our pants that looked like over-all's but fluffy and then our jackets and hats. We were on the road for about two minutes before we stopped at the store. My brother and I waited in the car while my mom went in to the store. She came out with two sleds. My day had just gotten three times better because I had been begging my mom to go sledding and we finally went. We went to Fox Hill to sled on. There must have been at least 30 people there trying to all come down the hill at once. We were sledding for about 30 minutes  before me and my brother decided to go on a part of the hill where no one else was on. This was my worst mistake. My brother went down the hill first. He jumped out of the sled at the last second before he ran into a shed. After him was my tern. I went down the hill face first. I felt like a bullet being fired out of a gun. I  had blazing speed, but then my hat slipped down over my eyes. When I tried to pull it back up, Smack. I went face first into that brick shed. Keep in mind that I was only about 8-9 years old when this happened. I stood up and took off running. Blood gushing out of my mouth not really knowing what exactly happened. I reached my mom and we rushed to the hospital. I noticed that two of my teeth were gone. Then I tried to close my mouth but there was something blocking me from doing so. Well it was my tooth. Yes, I said my tooth. One of my front teeth had knocked out, split in half, then was jammed in the roof of my mouth. The hospital didn't know what to do with me really. They decided to send me to a hospital in Vermont, witch was only about one hour away, where another doctor that they contacted knew what to do. The doctor had to cut off the piece of my tooth that was dangling from the other half first. Then he had to almost drag the other half back to its original spot. The doctor asked me where my other tooth was. It was long gone. Probably stuck at the bottom of the hill. The doctor let us go and we finally was able to go home. It was about 12:30. I was probably concussed so I couldn't sleep. My mom was just trying to have this day be over with. Then a police officer pulled us over. We were going about 15 MPH faster then the speed limit. My mom explained to him our day. I mumbled out hi officer because I couldn't feel half my face because it was numb, and my mouth was obviously hurting. He felt bad for us and just let us go. We finally made it home at about 1:30 - 2:00. I went up to my room, and riskily fell asleep.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wedsnday September 24th - Endearing Quality

I don't really know what my endearing quality is, but I think it might be because I'm easy to talk to. People tell me a lot about there problems and personal life. My friends also told me that they like to talk to me because it's fun. That kind of ties in with being easy to talk to right? Kaitlyn just told me that I'm funny and nice, so that goes with being easy to talk to also I think.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23rd strange Fruit

The trisky fruit is a fruit that is found in the Congo forest. This fruit grows inside hot and humid tropical weather. The humidity makes the fruit juicy and refreshing when cracked open. It grows in the top of the canopy, so mostly animals that climb or fly eat this fruit. The skin of the fruit is almost like a peach's. The trisky is pink all round with yellow extension parts, that can be deadly if consumed. The center of the fruit is a white, and has seeds that are scattered around like sprinkles. Some people that live in the Democratic Republic of the Congo craze over this fruit that is known as a delicacy. The fruit is as sweet as jolly ranchers but gives an amazing amount of nutrients to people. Another reason why this fruit is considered a delicacy is because it is hard to find. The fruit grows at the very top of the trees in the forest. The only way people can get them down without getting attacked by animals or falling from the tree is by throwing rope over the branch and sliding it down so the fruit will fall off. This way isn't that affective though because a lot of the time the fruit will come down and smash on the ground because no one catches it. But the second you take a bight out of the delicious fruit, all the work getting it pays off.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wedsnday, September 17th - Alphabet soup.

Adam is almost there.

But first Gavin has to break the huddle

Chris is making his reads on the line

“Down, set hut!”

End to end the line makes a surge.

Finding the whole, Adam gets smacked by the inside linebacker.

Gavin calls the play and gets everyone on the line.


Inside the whole, Chris leads Adam.

Jetting across the field they go.

Kevin hustles down with them and makes a beautiful crack block.

Linemen are still on their blocks.

“Making it all the way,” Adam thinks in his head.

Not anymore because the safety comes and pushes him out of bounds.

On the side line, coach tries to send in the next play.

People in the crowd are screaming and yelling.

“Quitting is not in my dictionary!” yells coach.

Reggie comes over and gets put in at a wide out.

Steve the new quarter back tries to get the play

Trick play is going on.

Under Chris is the football.

Virtually the game is in Adams hands now.

Wine is Reggie's clear route.

Xanthic color on Adams face from the pressure.

Young Adam dives in the end zone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Your back. Great, just don't use me like you used Jeffrey last night. Being bent because of ice cream doesn't sound like that much fun. Cereal, my favorite! every time you dunk me in the milk, a cold sensation rushes through my handle and back up. But why are you eating lucky charms? We both know that they are not magically delicacies. The worst part of being me though is having to go inside your mouth all the time. I don't know where that thing has been. Finally it's time to go to the dish washer. I love this little thing. the light slowly goes away when you shut it close. then a war goes on in here. But instead of being pelted with bullets. I get pelted with water and detergent. It is so much fun. That same sensation rushes through me, but it's warm this time. After the water war comes the sauna. This might be my top favorite part of the dish washer. Just relaxing with hot steam and air all round. Just chilling until you come and take me out and lay me in my bed with the rest of my friends.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce

Marc Chagall's painting of the La Mariee is a very interesting piece of work. It has a man towering over a women that looks nicely dressed. It also has a goat playing a cello. All of this is taking place inside a simple neighborhood. When marc was creating this he probably thought hatime of when he was walking around in his neighborhood one night. Thinking of all the wonders that hid in the dark colors of night. The goat playing the cello probably symbolizes that some things are not what they look like, and that people hid behind a mask of some sort. There is also a fish in the air hanging on to something. I have no explanation for that. The painting may also symbolize as a wedding. The people playing instruments could have been their entertainment. the Women in the picture has more light colors that make her pop out. This may be because the wedding day is usually the "brides" day. The man behind her could simply be escorting her home.
I was right about the wedding!
1950 Chagall La MariƩe.jpg

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11 - Music critic

There were a few good things about this song, but there was also some things that were not so good. On the good side, this song has a nice steady beat that sores through the song along with a nice melody. The instrumentals are pretty good as well. On the down side of this song, you cant hear the vocalist that much. His voice is soft and he kind of blends his words together. Making it so you cant hear him as well. The hook is also pretty good though. It takes a few times of hearing to understand what he says. Whoever wrote the song probably thought a bout a time when he was kid. Another possibility is that he saw might have saw some kids running around.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

The movie Hugo was a decent movie. I liked how the movie was lied out. I also liked the picture. It was a clear and well produced. The main character, Hugo, lived in London. One day he got bored and decided to go on an adventure to reach the top of Big Ben. He went through all these challenges that faced him. He reached the top of Big Ben, but this kid that was giving him troubles pushed him off, leaving Hugo dangling of the hand of the clock. Lucky for him, while he was dangling he saw a door that was in the shape of a huge one. He slung himself in the door and found missing artifacts from all over the world. things from wars, priceless paintings, and more. He decided to hurry up and leave it alone because whoever stored them up there, must have done it for a reason. He thought that it wasn't his place to do anything with the artifacts, let alone even knew that they existed.

Actual critic reviews:

Summery of Hugo:

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

Jessie is a fairy that is trying to make her way up to be head fairy. the only way that she can be head fairy is go through the task of all fairies first. The only one that she has left is the tooth fairy. She meets up with John, the stalk keeper, to get supplies that she will need. The first thing she gets is sleeping sand. When the kids are laying down, and they are not asleep, she will just have to sneak up the side of them and sprinkle a little bit in the corner of their eyes. The second thing she gets is a camouflage suit. when she puts this suit on, she will blend in with her surroundings, and practically become translucent. The third thing she gets are her wings. Tooth fairies have special wings that make them move faster then cheetahs, but as quite as someone stepping on a marshmallow. After Jessie gets her supplies, she is of on her first call. She flies to west green street to pic up two teeth from a 5 year old girl named Lucy. Jessie stands outside of her house wondering how she will get into the house. She decides to squeeze through the key whole. When she tumbles to the floor, there is a monster awaiting her. Jessie as never seen such a thing. Is stands on all fours with a long tail swinging back and forth . The mouth is open with a long tong with slob dripping off of it like a water faucet that wont turn completely off. The monster chargers at her snapping its mouth towards her. She dodges the beast and flies up to its eyes and gets her sleeping sand, she accidently drops the whole bag of sand in the monsters eyes. The thing finally drops, but Jessie has no more sand for the next two weeks. She finds her way to the girls room and before she enters she slips on her suit. Jessie is like a spider when she swaps a dollar for the two teeth. On her way out the suit wears off and the little girl spots her. She flies away and goes strait to Fairyville wondering why no one told her about the andhe suit wearing out. When she gets back she realizes that all the fairies hated her and didn't want her to become head fairy, and they set her up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5 - Aliens in Egypt

Why wont they just leave us alone. A few years back these ugly tings came in here and built these buildings that are pointing to the sky for some reason. We didn't know why they did it, so we just decided to put our preserved pharos in them so they can rest peacefully. Now there back and are doing some weird thing with our almighty pharos. They said these words that I could not understand, and then the next thing I know I saw our old ruler king Aha waling out of his sand dune towards the creatures. King Aha's skin looked like the inside of a fish that was left out in the light for a long time. His eyes were sealed shut, but he was still finding his way to the monsters that lied in front of me. After kind Aha was standing next to them, more and more of our past kings were coming before them. king Djoser, Kahfra, Mankauru, all of our past leaders started to arise. The ones that came from the sand tombs looked just like King Aha. While the ones that were resting n the pyramids, took off all of their linen. It was difficult to tell who was who because all you could see was the bone structure. The creatures lead our kings to the top of the Great Pyramids of Giza. They were all lined up. One by one making their way up to the top. A long falsh of light came down from the heavens. The light was beautiful. It had a tint of blue with smaller lights shooting off of it. Our Kings were finally going to go rest with our Gods. One after the other shooting to the sky. Never to be seen again.



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th - Historical Accuracy

The Stock Market crashed four Octobers ago, and there are still millions of Americans unemployed including my self. During this time our president, Herbert Hoover, told us to just wait it out. How is the man in charge of this country going to tell all the people that lives are at risk to just wait. Many people blamed him. Many people also blamed the uneven distribution of money to keep the wealthy people wealthy, and the poor people poor. People also tried to blame the farmers for not producing enough crops. But it wasn't their fault that aliens stole all the water from our country, forcing the farmers to grow dust. Yes I said aliens. They want to take over our earth. What is the best way to do that? Kill the human race. Aliens came and dried out all the water from people, lakes, and even the ground. forcing Farmers to be unable to grow their presses vegetables. The Stock Market Crash, that was all them too. They just wiped everything out when no one could pay attention. Banks closed, people with no money, no insurance, that is what they want.
It will not happen though, because we elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt. With the new deal being put in place, Many people are being employed now. In three weeks even I will. I get to help construct the Empire State building. Its going to be the tallest building ever made yet. I'm kind of scared to go work up there because the roomer is that the aliens came back. Just the other day they saw a thing called a UFO above the construction site.
We just finished the Empire state building. That roomer about the UFO is real too. Just last week I was driving around in my brand new 1932 Bugatti and I saw it with my very own eyes. it was right there. I could have never believed it, but I did. I was so amazed I almost wrecked my new car.

1932 Bugatti


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wedsnday, September 3rd - Scifi News Article

How to Keep the Workout Going

There are multiple ways to keep from having a lame workout. Make sure you control your diet and eat food that is good for your body. Dr. Volpe recommends everyone to an apple or a piece of toast with peanut butter on it. Other doctors say to make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before a workout session.

If you don’t have the time to sleep or eat healthy, or if you just don’t feel like it, you can have a little micro-bot put in your system. When placed in the body, it will help your body feel perfect for working out. If you digest the micro-bot with a simple glass of water, the micro-bot will break off and expand little robotic systems that for around your muscles and makes them work hard but not too hard. It will also send a chip to your brain that will let you set a manual limit that you want your muscles to work. It will warn you when you reach this limit by shutting down your body movement until you have realized that you are done and ready to go home.




This lady is taking the micro-bot before she leaves to have the best work out of her life.

This coach has his football team drink the micro-bot to help the team receive full results.