Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

There's just so many people around. At least a few thousand. There's this awful smell that smells like back sweat and left over spaghetti sauce. Schoolboy Q comes out on the stage opening with man of year. The thousands of people that are here are so loud you can barley even here the music. All the screams and yelling giving you a headache. Everyone is all clumped together like the mud on the bottom of your cleats after practicing after a day of rain. Then on top of that, the putrid smell of back sweat and left over spaghetti sauce comes back. The people around me are jumping around and end up spilling their drinks on you. I try  to make your way out to the bathroom so you can clean myself up, but again with all the people there its almost impossible to get out. It's like one of those mazes with no end point that your 3rd grade teacher would give you for a good laugh. Then when I find the way out, the concert is already over. Getting out of the building probably took more then two hours to get out of. Then driving out the parking lot is also another mission impossible type thing. These people are stupid enough to still be yelling after the concert is already over. Then they have the audacity to speed up in front of me when there's only seven feet in front of you. Then they're have way in your lane and half way in the other lane. Like do they want to trash their car? When I finally get home, I tell myself that I will never do that again.

Song listened to = Studio, Schoolboy Q


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the similes you used throughout this story. Made it very vivid. I don't know Schoolboy Q. I like rap music. Would I like him?
