Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

The scariest place that Gorden has ever been to was a cabin in the woods. About two years ago, Gorden and his friend Jamie were hunting in some deep woods. When they were wondering looking for an elk to shoot, they came across an abandoned cabin. The cabin had trees protecting the roof and vines taking over half the side of the building. When they walked up closer, Jamie noticed that the door was unlocked. They crept through the door. The door screeched louder than shocked breaks on a car that was 50 years old. When they were fully in the cabin, they noticed an awful  sent of something the smelled like rode kill and left over collard greens. Despite the smell, they advanced further into the cabin. Gordan saw a book shelf and walked on a path he found through all the mud and gunk that lived on the floor. All of the books on the shelf were about demands and witches. BANG! the door slammed shut.  They started to hear laughs and giggles in a room in the back of the cabin. Gorden and Jamie broke a window and climbed out of the cabin. When they were out, they ran and didn't stop until they arrived at there car.

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