Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

A team of oceanography researchers decide to buy a submarine and become the Christopher Columbus of the oceans. They set off and are under for about one week until a leather sea storm comes through. During the storm, all of their GPS, radios, and the rest of their equipment go flat and never come back. For three days they sit in the submarine waiting too reach the surface of the water. With limited food and air, they about die. When they do surface they don't see land for miles. So they stay put and shoot off a couple of flair guns. No one seems to have saw them. At night one of the members tries to find the big dipper. He can't. Then he tries to find other constellations but can't do so. Another team member notices that there is two moons. Instead of one being white, there is two that is two. Little do they know that their "submarine" that they bought wasn't the average one. It was a submarine that took millions of light years away with in three minutes. All five of the members were confused on what had happened. Until they see a weird looking ting shoot across the sky like a bullet. Then come back around, but gets closer. It lands in the water about 78 meters north of the team.  A hatch squeals open.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August, 28 - Space, 2199

"Our solar system is collapsing!" Nora, Scientist, yelled. "With-in 24 hours everything we know and love is going to be gone!"

"You must be crazy," Hank, A vain self-centered Man," There is no way that our solar system will collapse, it is all tied together with gravity you nut!”

“You can think whatever you want. But I’ve been studying our solar system for more than ten years, and I can guaranty that our sun and all of our neighboring planets will be gone.”

“Whatever you…”

Millions of people scream and cry.

Mercury To Blame For Solar System's Collapse, Mars-Earth Collision

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 -Animal Invention

Lets go make an invention that makes us like frogs. This new invention will let us turn on frog characteristics just with a few blinks of the eyes. Even though this new invention, Frog Me, will make you like a frog, it will work with your human senses so you still look and act like a person. We inject a substance into your skin and eyes. This way all you have to do to get frogy is just blink five times. After the blinks, you will pretty much be able to see almost all angles around you. Frog Me will form little dots on your hands and feet after blinking. This is so you can stick to almost anything. Long story short, you wont be able to drop anything. You could also climb up the side of walls when needed. Frogs surprisingly have amazing hearing. And since the frogs do, you do too. This invention will also make you have the beast hearing you could ever think of. Your legs will also gain incredible strength so you can jump far distances. Imagine jumping up to 20 times your height. Your strong legs will also let you swim like a pro. The only trait that you wont receive from Frog Me, is getting webbed feet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

There's just so many people around. At least a few thousand. There's this awful smell that smells like back sweat and left over spaghetti sauce. Schoolboy Q comes out on the stage opening with man of year. The thousands of people that are here are so loud you can barley even here the music. All the screams and yelling giving you a headache. Everyone is all clumped together like the mud on the bottom of your cleats after practicing after a day of rain. Then on top of that, the putrid smell of back sweat and left over spaghetti sauce comes back. The people around me are jumping around and end up spilling their drinks on you. I try  to make your way out to the bathroom so you can clean myself up, but again with all the people there its almost impossible to get out. It's like one of those mazes with no end point that your 3rd grade teacher would give you for a good laugh. Then when I find the way out, the concert is already over. Getting out of the building probably took more then two hours to get out of. Then driving out the parking lot is also another mission impossible type thing. These people are stupid enough to still be yelling after the concert is already over. Then they have the audacity to speed up in front of me when there's only seven feet in front of you. Then they're have way in your lane and half way in the other lane. Like do they want to trash their car? When I finally get home, I tell myself that I will never do that again.

Song listened to = Studio, Schoolboy Q

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 5 - Literary Characer

If I could bring back any character from a book, movie, or comic book in to the real world, it would most likely be Spiderman. If he was actually with us, he would probably be helping calm the riots in St. Louise. But he wouldn't come in handy most of the time because he would have his face stuck in a smartphone. This would take his attention away from the radio that is connected to the police's. He would show up an hour late, and if he would have never saw the event on twitter, he probably wouldn't have ever shown up. Spiderman would probably also be wearing the new KD's that just came out too because he started to get a rip in his little slip on type thing that he wears on his feet. And since he just got those new shoes. He would want to go play basketball all day. So he wouldn't be that much help. So instead of Spiderman, I would probably choose Neo from the Matrix to be apart of the real word. Well scratch that too. If Neo were to come that means that weird guy that can clone himself whenever he wanted too. And if he would have came in our world too, we all would have to learn how to dodge bullets. So I guess I might as well pick someone that doesn't get in that much trouble, like Scooby Doo. With Scooby Doo here, he would probably bring Shagy with him too. That means we could all go to some kind of buffet and smash on all their food. So yeah, I would most likely choose Scooby Doo to come. Well never mind, after a while I would get too full to eat. So I guess I wouldn't choose anyone from a book, comic, or a movie to join us in the real world.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, Augest 22 - Wacky Words

The Rolling Stones loved to clean. Their favorite thing actually wasn't performing, it was vacuuming. Every last one of The Rolling Stones bought brand new vacuums. The name on the box was Super Vacuum, by Mr. Vacuum Incorporation. The Rolling Stones brought their vacuums everywhere they went. When they were on tour and stayed in hotels, they brought their vacuums. When The Rolling Stones Went out to eat, they brought their vacuums. They even brought their vacuums on stage with them once. The Rolling Stones loved their vacuums so much they even wrote a song about them, The Vacuum of a Rolling Stone. When they were recording this song, they thought vacuums were lame. So the Rolling Stones decided to use a dusters now. They had also bought the brand new Duster 3k. The Rolling stones did everything they did with the dusters that they did with their vacuums. They brought it to hotels, concerts, and restaurants. Then they decided to make a song, The Duster of a Rollin Stone, just like they did the vacuum. But while they were recording they noticed that cleaning was lame in general. So they just decided to make a song called Rolling Stones. A you can see the Rolling Stones were really arrogant.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - Mystery lady

This lady is a mystery
All she does is sit in rocking chair
Rocking back and forth with her cat named hickory
She sits with a great posture while her eyes are in an endless stair
Even though she looks forward she sees all around
People rush by when they come through this part of town
It's obvious she hasn't cut her nails in a while
Because all she does is sit there and smile. - Another mystery painting

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

The scariest place that Gorden has ever been to was a cabin in the woods. About two years ago, Gorden and his friend Jamie were hunting in some deep woods. When they were wondering looking for an elk to shoot, they came across an abandoned cabin. The cabin had trees protecting the roof and vines taking over half the side of the building. When they walked up closer, Jamie noticed that the door was unlocked. They crept through the door. The door screeched louder than shocked breaks on a car that was 50 years old. When they were fully in the cabin, they noticed an awful  sent of something the smelled like rode kill and left over collard greens. Despite the smell, they advanced further into the cabin. Gordan saw a book shelf and walked on a path he found through all the mud and gunk that lived on the floor. All of the books on the shelf were about demands and witches. BANG! the door slammed shut.  They started to hear laughs and giggles in a room in the back of the cabin. Gorden and Jamie broke a window and climbed out of the cabin. When they were out, they ran and didn't stop until they arrived at there car.

Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

Mario isn't the type of person that you would expect. Behind his jolly adventures mask, is a man full of greed. Mario is actually really greedy. The only reason why he goes out on all those deadly missions is to collect all those coins and keep them for himself. Not to long ago I saw Mario driving a brand new sports car and wearing thousands of dollars worth of clothes. There is only one explanation for this. Him and Luigi teamed up to make a scam, telling people, like Yoshi and Princes Peach, that they got to keep all the coins they collect while going out in lethal missions. When they all would come back to their secret base, Mario would tell everyone that he needed to count all the coins to see the total. Instead of counting, they were running. After all those missions, none of the characters that you see in these games ended up with any money. This is why Mario was driving around in sports cars and wearing expensive clothes. He even has a huge mansion. If you were to go on Google maps and look up his house, it would pull up the biggest and most expensive house you would ever see. So if it's up to me, no one should ever play a game with Mario in it again. He would most likely be getting even more money out of it.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, Augest 15 - Kindergarten

It's early in the morning. The birds are chirping. Kids are either in tears, or they're smiling from ear to ear. It's Messiah's first day of school. Messiah had a few friends that lived in the same neighborhood as him, and they all were talking about the first day of kindergarten. Half his friends didn't want to leave the house, and the other half felt like they hit the lottery. Messiah was the only one that really didn't know what to think about his first day. He just decided to chill and go with the flow for the day to see how school was like.  Once he arrived at the school, he wandered around like a pack of wild elephants. After two to three minutes of walking, Messiah saw some other  kids start to arrive. Messiah said hi to the kids and they said hi back. Then they all started to sit down in seats while the teacher gave them seats.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, Augest 14 - Gross

The grossest thing ever to eat is mushrooms. My first time, also my last time, eating a mushroom was a few years ago. The first bad thing about mushrooms is that they look really weird. It kind of looks like a kidney with an extra something growing off its side when it's cut in half. I don't know what it is, but the mushroom had felt awkward. Almost like eating something that was squishy but kind of firm at the same time. Well at least I think it is because it has been so long sense I've eaten a mushroom that I forgot what it feels like and taste like some times. All I know is that I don't like them, and I will never in my life eat another one. Unless if something crazy happens like an alien invasion, and the only way they wouldn't abduct you is by eating a mushroom. But if I had to eat two or more mushrooms, I would just get abducted. And if there was a famine of all food except for mushrooms, I would probably starve until there was another sign of another type of food to eat. Well I think my 15 minutes in this burst is about to be up. So I'm going to go ahead and find a picture or two for this. And here are a few other reasons that I found why mushrooms are nasty.

Song listened to during: 21 questions - 50 cent

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednsday, Augest 13 Animal

During your average day of being a baby tiger is sort of chill. First you sleep for as long as you want, but usually you would wake up early because it starts to get hot and humid. When you wake up, you find all your brothers and sisters and start playing with them. You and your siblings will tell jokes and play tag. After about fifteen minutes, you start to get hungry. So your dad takes you out in the middle of the Sahara to hunt. Sense your just a little baby cub, your dad has to teach you how to hunt first. Your father leads in example in stalking and pouncing on a gazelle. You and your family starts to eat. After you all are done eating, you take turns hunting. Seniority over rules, so your older brother goes first. He comes back with nothing. next it's your turn. You slowly make your way out. Your nerves get over you, and you slowly start to get scared because it's your first time out alone. You find a baby gazelle and slowly fallow it to the nearby stream for water. Once it leans over to drink some water you get him. When you come back, your father and brothers are all impressed in what you have done because you were the only one to bring back something to show your mother. After you get home you are a little parched: sense you are just a cub still you get milk from your mother. Post meal means another play time, but you are too tired to play. You feel like your walking as slow as 30 year old turtle. You decide to go to bed and take a nap for about 40 minutes. When you wake up it's too hot to start playing, so you find a cool spot under a tree to chill and talk to your friends. You tell all your friends about your exciting adventure today. All your friends are impressed but they think they can top your story. So they tell you how they timed their 40 yard dash and other fun activities. After two hours under the tree, your mom calls you and says it is time to go home and eat. You eat something that you don't really know what it is because you have never seen it before. So you eat it and call it a day. You head to bed and go to sleep.

Song listened during: Man of the year, School Boy Q