Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, december 9th - Persona Poem

I was born November 25th, 1960.
My parents gave me the name is John F Kennedy Jr.
The F stands for Fitzgerald.
I never knew why but the press always called me John John for some reason.
I have siblings, but two of them died shortly after my birth.
My father was the president of the United States of America
But when I was two my father was assassinated
Three days later we had his funeral on my third birthday.
After the assassination of my father, my family moved to Manhattan.
I never knew my dad, but my mother always tells me that I'm just like him.
With my father dead, I depended on my two uncles to be my father figures.
The were both senators.
You can say Politics runs through the Kennedy blood.
I was a lawyer.
I was also a journalist.
And a magazine publisher.
To get to where I was I had to attend private schools. I liked it, but I didn't.
I always wanted to just be the common kid,
hang out with friends outside,
go sledding down the icy hills during the winter time,
When I hit college I finally did some things around my age.
I went to a club with my friends and cousins,
I lived in house with friends too.
In 1996 I married my beautiful wife Carolyn.
We tried to keep it a secret for as long as we can.
That didn't end too well.
We had a couple of problems at the end of it.
She was taking antidepressants at the time,
Well she was supposed to be.
That same year I died, July16, 1999.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursda, December 4th - Unrequited Love

Oh man, I knew I shouldn't have told her. I mean like who can ever see me, Jeff, with anyone like Sally. Maybe I thought there would be something else that came with telling her that I love her. Maybe I thought we would be together, and now were probably not going to even be friends anymore. I mean like there was also no reason for her to go off on me like that. She just blew up like a twin tower or something. It's whatever though, there's plenty of fish in the see that wont make an awkward unrequited love situation.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2 - Top Secret

I'm so glad that I get to sleep in today. The snow is coming down harder then I've ever seen before. Too bad Layona still has to go to work though. On the bright side it just gives me more time to rest and chill. So I'm going to shut my eyes again. Of course I can't fall back asleep. I hear Layona on the phone, but the showers running. What's going on? Instead of getting up and asking, I listen to the conversation. "yeah, I mean like what's the United States of America without its constitution? Were either going to have to make an exact replica of it, or hunt down who ever has it. Yeah. Okay, I'll see you in a minute. Oh yeah, and don't let anyone figure out because if the entire world does, we can say goodbye to the U.S." I heard my wife say as she shuts of the shower. I think I wasn't supposed to here that, and im going to act like I never did. Well lets try to go back to sleep, at least until Layona leaves.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday november 21st.

Persistence of Memory by: Salvador Dali

It's hot. Too hot.
I'm just trying to make my way to Vegas,
But first I have to travel through this unholy desert.
The car broke down.
And there's only two of us.
We have no cell connection out here.
Again like I said,
Its too hot out here.
We're stuck walking through this desert.
\The farther we go , The more the time slows down.
The more the time slows down,
The more I slow down,
The more I slow down, the faster we go down.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20th - Emotions

Sadness takes over when I found out I have to move. All my friends, gone. Everything I knew, gone pretty much. Then fear takes over when I think about starting about doing it all over again at the starting line. Fear comes to my mind when I go to this new school for the first time too. What if I don't fit in? What if I get bullied? Then anger crushes it's way in. I get so angry thinking about bulling. I also get angry trying to figure out how I'm going to arrange my new room, and how to pick my way through this foreign city. Disgust creeps it's way through when I see that one snobby girl, or someone digging for gold berried underneath their nostrils, or stepping on a piece of gome in my new shoes, or getting up early in the morning and looking into the mirror, etc. then joy will come through when I do meet nice friends and teachers at my school, and when I get up in the morning and I look good before I leave, and when I make my new room look good, and when I found out that I like this new town better then my old. Maybe this wont be so bad after all.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th -

I was there when he killed the master. He was telling me his plan on Tuesday, I just didn't think he would go through with it. As a matter of fact, I laughed because I thought he was joking. I even said that if this plan worked, I would go all throughout Virginia with him. My name is Tobias Harris. My best friends Nat Turner and Ben Gordon call me Tobey though. We are jumping from plantation to plantation, executing any white man ,that is another slave master, in the name of the lord. There is about fifty of us now, and soon no one will be able to stop our mission that our all mighty god sent to us. Nat is the one who set all of this up. About three months ago I think, God showed Nat messages saying that we needed to do this. Before we were an army, there was only three of us. Me, Nat, and Ben. Before we could travel through all the plantations in Virginia, we had to get out of ours first. So Nat killed our master and all his white family. Then some of my brothers and sisters that worked on the planation with us joined in. Some stayed behind. We've ben through about thirteen different places now. I heard that the white folk is looking for us now, but it's no time to back down and give up. It's time to get stronger and go farther. In the name of our almighty king, we shall grow.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday november 17- Bob Krech, Rebound

I just remembered that I danced with one of the cheerleaders.
I ate the toast, and sipped on orange juice.
I got up from the table
I head out the kitchen to play basketball.
But I jog over to 7 -Eleven and talked to a black girl