Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, december 9th - Persona Poem

I was born November 25th, 1960.
My parents gave me the name is John F Kennedy Jr.
The F stands for Fitzgerald.
I never knew why but the press always called me John John for some reason.
I have siblings, but two of them died shortly after my birth.
My father was the president of the United States of America
But when I was two my father was assassinated
Three days later we had his funeral on my third birthday.
After the assassination of my father, my family moved to Manhattan.
I never knew my dad, but my mother always tells me that I'm just like him.
With my father dead, I depended on my two uncles to be my father figures.
The were both senators.
You can say Politics runs through the Kennedy blood.
I was a lawyer.
I was also a journalist.
And a magazine publisher.
To get to where I was I had to attend private schools. I liked it, but I didn't.
I always wanted to just be the common kid,
hang out with friends outside,
go sledding down the icy hills during the winter time,
When I hit college I finally did some things around my age.
I went to a club with my friends and cousins,
I lived in house with friends too.
In 1996 I married my beautiful wife Carolyn.
We tried to keep it a secret for as long as we can.
That didn't end too well.
We had a couple of problems at the end of it.
She was taking antidepressants at the time,
Well she was supposed to be.
That same year I died, July16, 1999.

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